Investors vote with the board nine in 10 times
9. November 2015
Themengebiete | ESG (inkl. Nachhaltigkeit & Governance), Investoren |
Publikationsform | Externe Publikationen |
Data from Proxy Insight suggests investors still disagree over contentious topics
Asset managers will follow a corporate board’s lead in 90 percent of votes, finds a new study, as most fund houses are found to back issuers on matters such as executive pay nine times out of ten.
New figures from Proxy Insight find that many of the world’s largest investment management firms, including Vanguard, BlackRock and Goldman Sachs Asset Management, matched management votes at general meetings in 90 percent of cases during the 2014/15 proxy season.
The study examined 40 institutional investors, and found that only a handful voted for management proposals in less than 80 percent of cases. Among them are Aviva Investors, PGGM Investments and California pension fund CalSTRS, which disagreed with management the most often, supporting only 57 percent of votes.
Hier geht es zum vollständigen Artikel, erschienen im IR-Magazine.